Sunday, July 14, 2013

Old Skool Listen to Reading

Oh, the school teacher in me just about burst coming across some vintage Listen to Reading a couple of months ago.
We're talkin' Old Skool!
Who remembers these?

I Do! I Do!
And I remember my Fisher Price record player, too!
It looked like this, with the retro orange and brown.

And I also had this one!

This stash of  nostalgic Disney fun was a great little find on an overstuffed bookcase of unloved and  forgotten books in a storage room.
So I rescued them.
Love the picture of the kids on the back.

I have come across a book or two before but the record was always missing.
Not this time.
This time each book has it's original record (I almost said CD) accompanying it.

Alice in Wonderland

It just so happens that today is my unbirthday!
Is today your unbirthday, too?
 It is!?!
Uh - Oh, I feel a song coming on!

"A very merry unbirthday to you, to you.
A very merry unbirthday to you, to you.
It's great to drink to someone, and I guess that you will do.
A very merry unbirthday to you-u-u-u-u!"

Peter Pan
I always wanted to be one of the sassy stuck-up mermaids at Mermaid Lagoon.
Don't ask me why.

Three Little Pigs

I have read different versions of this story over and over and over and over.
 In small reading groups, I have 4, we read two different variations of the Three Little Pigs in our curriculum during the school year.
And No. One. words it better than Disney!
You know what I mean.
When you grow up on a certain version of a classic book, like the Three Little Pigs and then someone comes along and rewrites it leaving out certain Important elements and adding their own twist to the ending. You're like; "Oh no you didn't!" {simultaneously snap your fingers and neck roll}

The wolf never dresses up in sheep's wool in these other books.


You can't end it by throwing a lid over the pot.
He is suppose to jump out of the pot of boiling water and run off howling.
 He still has an appearance to make in the Little Red Riding Hood.


Thumper is my favorite.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
I never had a favorite.
 I don't discriminate between little nuggets, I love them all the same.
 Okay, maybe Dopey.
But that's only because I'm partial to big ears and droopy purple caps.

Mother Goose Rhymes
I have never heard this Disney version and am quite curious of how it sounds.
Does anyone have a record player I can borrow?
Maybe an orange and brown one from the attic.

I will say that the pictures are done in pure Disney fashion with all our beloved characters from Mickey and Minnie to Goofy and Donald representing the clan.

I was brought up reading Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever.
 The pictures are the BEST.
 No one, not even Disney, does it better.
 (Just my opinion).
Each year I read it to my class.
They love it!

I would definitely like to add to this little collection of Disney record books over time.

Here's a few other fun Disney items:
When I came across this puppet book,
Mickey Mouse Takes a Vacation
copyright 1976

It took me immediately back to when I was just a young girl.
I remember my dad reading it to me before bed. And I could still to this day tell you what was coming on the next page before I even turned it.
I don't know if mine is in the attic of my parents old home but I was so happy to have this copy to share with my own children.

I'm going to have to look around for some of my old childhood favorites I know my mother saved a few.
Do you have any old favorites?

I just recently, as in this past week, found this Disneyland record from 1968 titled
Walt Disney's Merriest Songs.
And wasn't I singing a merry little tune when I paid only 20c for it!!
It's a full size record.

I really need a record player now!

Can you guess what items will be featured in next Sunday's Vintage Finds post?!
Here's tip #1:
Web Star

Check in on Tuesday for tip #2


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