Saturday, December 4, 2010

Homeschooling ~ God's Choice!

Homeschooling was not necessarily something we choose...but rather God choose it for us! When our first daughter was born it was obvious to my husband and I that something was "different". Little did we know that difference had a name "Autism". We both knew early on that homeschooling would probably be the best avenue for her educationally and socially. But as most first-borns are she was our "Guinea Pig" school or homeschool, that was the question! We tried the private schooling route, we tried the public schooling route, and then felt Spirit led to go the home schooling route. The concept was not foreign to me as my best friend growing up was homeschooled and so were (are) a bunch of my cousins. Little did we know at the time God had a much bigger plan for me (us). When she was born in 2000 the autism epidemic was just beginning to hit the radar. I found myself at many dead ends and professionals with very little answers. I started reading and researching as much as I could to educate myself and the professionals we encountered. After she was officially diagnosed with PPD -NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified) and Asperger Syndrome (high functioning form of autism) in 2004 I decided to go back to college for a degree in Special Education. Now a senior I will have a dual degree in Elementary Ed K-6 and Special Ed K-12. Although it will be years before I can use what I've learned in a classroom, my courses have made me a better teacher for my daughter. God continued to bless us with children ... today we are the proud parents of 3 autistic and non-autistic children, Makenzie is 10(and 1/2), Francesco is 8, and Makayla will be 2 in April. Having 3 children was always my dream, having an autistic child was our blessing.

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